An FDS simulation requires a lot of computing power, and in the case of very large geometries or very long simulations, using your PC can be very limiting and not always the best solution.
1. FDS Cloud Computing
A possible solution is to run FDS on a VPS (Virtual Private Server): in other words, you rent a server with a certain computational power and run the FDS simulations on it.
Several companies offer this service, but we would like to recommend Cloud HPC, which is an on-demand cloud computing service integrated with various software, including FDS.

Through this service of FDS Cloud Computing it is possible to use all the functions that a FDS user has on his PC, but with a much higher computing power and efficiency, such as:
- Use MPI and MP scalability
- Pick your customized instance
- Monitor your simulation in runtime
- Stop your simulation at any point of the calculation

2. Why chose Cloud HPC
The most important thing that makes Cloud HPC superior to many others is that you only pay the hours that are actually used for the calculation of your job.
In many of the other services available on the market you are usually billed daily or even monthly, even if you happen to use the server only for a 4 hour simulation.
Furthermore, even if the service offers hourly billing, no standard VPS service allows you to automatically turn off the machine at the end of the simulation, so you would always pay a few more hours than actually used.
Instead, Cloud HPC does that automatically, so there is no need to worry about this.
3. Registration + 300 vCPU/Hrs for free
If you register thought the following form ( ), you will get 300 free hours of computing time.
In this way you can try the service before investing money in it.
4. Pricing (only after you finish the 300 free hours)